Gabriel Fernandez

Male, Age 33 Middletown , Connecticut

Gabriel Fernandez is a 33 years old male, born on Tuesday, 17th of July 1990. He will turn 34 on July 17, 2024. Our records show he currently resides at 234 Main Street 208, Middletown , Ct 06457-3439 and is not affiliated with any political party. Gabriel is registered to vote in Connecticut since July 3, 2019.

Overview of Gabriel Fernandez

Age: 33

Gender: male

Birth year: 1990

Lives in: Middletown

Gabriel Fernandez's Voting Profile

Registered to vote since: July 3, 2019

Party Affiliation: No known party affiliation

Status: A

Precinct: 00

District: 001

Polling place: Macdonough School District 1

Voter ID: 005050519

Congressional District: 003

House District: 100

Senate District: 009

Gabriel Fernandez Adress & Maps

Thomas Gerard Adams

Neighbors for Gabriel Fernandez

27 Main Street, Middletown , Ct 06457-3406
No known party affiliation
155 Main Street, Middletown , Ct 06457-3423
No known party affiliation
170 Main Street, Middletown , Ct 06457-3466
No known party affiliation
234 Main Street 304, Middletown , Ct 06457-3439
No known party affiliation
309 Main Street C19, Middletown , Ct 06457-3309
No known party affiliation
335 Main Street, Middletown , Ct 06457-3309
No known party affiliation
344 Main Street, Middletown , Ct 06457-3310
No known party affiliation
353 Main Street 32, Middletown , Ct 06457-3371
No known party affiliation
353 Main Street, Middletown , Ct 06457-3371
No known party affiliation
360 Main Street 3a, Middletown , Ct 06457-3375
No known party affiliation
360 Main Street 2e, Middletown , Ct 06457-3375
No known party affiliation
363 Main Street S502, Middletown , Ct 06457-3359
No known party affiliation
390 Main Street, Middletown , Ct 06457-3310
No known party affiliation
398 Main Street C4, Middletown , Ct 06457-3310
No known party affiliation
460 Main Street 3, Middletown , Ct 06457-2855
No known party affiliation


Salary: $29,700

Net Worth: $167,283

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.

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