Jennifer Eliezer

Female, Age 32 Bridgeport, Connecticut

Jennifer Eliezer is a 32 years old female, born on Saturday, 27th of July 1991. She will turn 33 on July 27, 2024. Our records show she currently resides at 46 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1520 and is affiliated with the No known party affiliation. Jennifer is registered to vote in Connecticut since April 27, 2012. Our records show Jean L Eliezer (64) as possible relative.

Overview of Jennifer Eliezer

Age: 32

Gender: female

Birth year: 1991

Lives in: Bridgeport

Phone number: 203-870-6134

Jennifer Eliezer's Voting Profile

Registered to vote since: April 27, 2012

Party Affiliation: No known party affiliation

Status: A

Precinct: 06

District: 126

Polling place: Wilbur Cross School

Voter ID: 004201233

Congressional District: 004

House District: 126

Senate District: 022

Jennifer Eliezer Adress & Maps

Show Map

Thomas Gerard Adams

Neighbors for Jennifer Eliezer

35 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-0000
No known party affiliation
35 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-0000
No known party affiliation
36 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1520
No known party affiliation
36 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1520
No known party affiliation
45 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
45 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
45 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
55 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
55 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
65 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
75 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
85 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
85 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
85 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation
85 Oakleaf Street, Bridgeport, Ct 06606-1521
No known party affiliation

Related Persons

Jennifer Eliezer's parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other extended family members.

Bridgeport, Ct
Born on: Tuesday, 19th of May 1959
Gender: Male


Salary: $91,861

Net Worth: $147,494

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.