Sandra Johnson

Female, Age 49 Stamford , Connecticut

Sandra Johnson is a 49 years old female, born on Friday, 31st of May 1974. She will turn 50 on May 31, 2024. Our records show she currently resides at 125 Prospect Street 4f, Stamford , Ct 06901-1206 and is affiliated with the No known party affiliation. Sandra is registered to vote in Connecticut since December 16, 2008. Our records show Steven A Johnson (51) and Kiana Ashley Johnson (23) as possible relatives.

Overview of Sandra Johnson

Age: 49

Gender: female

Birth year: 1974

Lives in: Stamford

Sandra Johnson's Voting Profile

Registered to vote since: December 16, 2008

Party Affiliation: No known party affiliation

Status: A

Precinct: 02

District: 007

Polling place: First Presbyterian Church Hall

Voter ID: 004030692

Congressional District: 004

House District: 146

Senate District: 027

Sandra Johnson Adress & Maps

Thomas Gerard Adams

Neighbors for Sandra Johnson

111 Prospect Street 503, Stamford , Ct 06901-1221
No known party affiliation
111 Prospect Street 414, Stamford , Ct 06901-1221
No known party affiliation
111 Prospect Street 201, Stamford , Ct 06901-1221
No known party affiliation
111 Prospect Street 308, Stamford , Ct 06901-1221
No known party affiliation
111 Prospect Street 303, Stamford , Ct 06901-1221
No known party affiliation
111 Prospect Street 202, Stamford , Ct 06901-1221
No known party affiliation
112 Prospect Street 2fl, Stamford , Ct 06901-1207
No known party affiliation
125 Prospect Street 6g, Stamford , Ct 06901-1206
No known party affiliation
125 Prospect Street 6h, Stamford , Ct 06901-0000
No known party affiliation
125 Prospect Street 3f, Stamford , Ct 06901-1206
No known party affiliation
125 Prospect Street 2i, Stamford , Ct 06901-1206
No known party affiliation
125 Prospect Street 6i, Stamford , Ct 06901-1206
No known party affiliation
125 Prospect Street 3e, Stamford , Ct 06901-1206
No known party affiliation
125 Prospect Street 5h, Stamford , Ct 06901-1206
No known party affiliation
125 Prospect Street 1b, Stamford , Ct 06901-1206
No known party affiliation

Related Persons

Sandra Johnson's parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other extended family members.

Stamford , Ct
Born on: Wednesday, 22nd of December 1971
Gender: Male
Stamford , Ct
Born on: Monday, 21st of February 2000
Gender: Female


Salary: $60,819

Net Worth: $955,850

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.

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