Josephie R. Figueroa

Male, Age 38 Bridgeport, Connecticut

Josephie R. Figueroa is a 38 years old male, born on Thursday, 5th of April 1984. He will turn 39 on April 05, 2024. Our records show he currently resides at 171 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1926 and is affiliated with the No known party affiliation. Josephie is registered to vote in Connecticut since August 7, 2008.

Overview of Josephie R. Figueroa

Age: 38

Gender: male

Birth year: 1984

Lives in: Bridgeport

Phone number: 718-930-1945

Josephie R. Figueroa's Voting Profile

Registered to vote since: August 7, 2008

Party Affiliation: No known party affiliation

Status: A

Precinct: 02

District: 130

Polling place: Bassick High School

Voter ID: 003873785

Congressional District: 004

House District: 130

Senate District: 022

Josephie R. Figueroa Adress & Maps

Show Map

Thomas Gerard Adams

Neighbors for Josephie R. Figueroa

164 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1925
No known party affiliation
167 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1926
No known party affiliation
168 Poplar Street 1st Fl, Bridgeport, 06605-1925
No known party affiliation
170 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1925
No known party affiliation
170 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1925
No known party affiliation
170 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1925
No known party affiliation
170 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1925
No known party affiliation
171 Poplar Street 1st Fl, Bridgeport, 06605-1926
No known party affiliation
171 Poplar Street 3rd Fl, Bridgeport, 06605-1926
No known party affiliation
171 Poplar Street Fl, Bridgeport, 06605-1926
No known party affiliation
171 Poplar Street 3rd Flr, Bridgeport, 06605-1926
No known party affiliation
172 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1925
No known party affiliation
173 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1926
No known party affiliation
173 Poplar Street, Bridgeport, 06605-1926
No known party affiliation
173 Poplar Street 1 Fl, Bridgeport, 06605-1926
No known party affiliation


Salary: $27,355

Net Worth: $305,137

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.