Connecticut residents with first names from Patricia Freemantle to Patricia Grenier

Page 4 of 14 - records Patricia Marie Ganino to Patricia A Garofalo

3 Canterbury Lane
405 Ridge Road
32 Sunset Court
520 Pool Road 407
102 Putnam Street
79 Lake Garda Drive
12 Surrey Drive
423 North Elm Street
34 Nelson Street
167 Thompson Hill Road
158 Stillman Hill Road
525 Ridge Road
18 Elm Street
111 Park Street
117 Wells Road Unit 6
204 Woodland Drive
8 Heron Road
23 Quarry Road Ext
30 Depot Road
46 Pert Street
18 Heine Avenue
320 Route 171
9 Robbins Lane C
110 Trescott Hill Road
206 North Anthony Street
32 Mansion Street
175 Henry Avenue 30
12 Blossom Lane
101 Oak Ridge Lane
190 Fairwood Road
55 Cosey Beach Road
9 Ivy Lane
16 Hayestown Road 1404
1534 Fairfield Avenue
40 Bulls Bridge Road
1528 Main Street
140 Field Point Road 7
329 Ekonk Hill Road
31 Fifth Street 2nd Fl
51 Stage Harbor Road
58 Davis Avenue
80 White Rock Drive
192 Church Street
19 Prospect Ridge 52
4 Bayberry Hill Lane
150 Vernon Avenue 392
17 Brook Lane
90 Old Farms Road
330 Elm Street 16
520 Huckleberry Hill Road
50 Brown Brook Road
358 West Lane
208 Sawyer Hill Road
60 Astoria Avenue
8 East Cider Mill Road
1 Southfield Avenue 311
114 Elm Street 009
24 East Shore Road
22 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Drive A4
47 Prange Road