Connecticut residents with first names from Carol Tuller to Carole Milano

Page 7 of 29 - records Carol Pauline White to Carol Ann Williams

155 Windermere Avenue 1903
223 Deepwood Drive
79 Kirkside Avenue
100 Glenn Street
22 Willard Street
15 Chicken Hill Lane
18 Simcroft Place
163 Otis Street
31 Frelma Drive
24 Oak Street
585 Park Road 105
94 Tingley Street
149 Longmeadow Drive
920 Old Northfield Road
115 Highland Avenue
29 Chestnut Hill Road
41 Park Pl
1551 Route 171
27 South Stony Brook Drive
124 Jackson Road
48 Lakeview Drive
46 South Cherry Street 123
55 Spring Glen Road
80 Abbe Road
230 Whiting Street 17
47 Fox Hollow
80 Oslo Street
123 West Street 302
52 Peak Avenue
11 Rivendell Drive
96 Route 6
252 Lebanon Avenue 2
97 Bramblebush Road
10 Stuart Road East
2302 Cromwell Hills Drive
10 Mill Cove Road
99 Elmwood Terrace
20 Fairmont Street
9 Circle Drive
216 Vanderbilt Road
76 Old Nod Road
45 Edgemont Lane 211
25 Broad Street
3845 Park Avenue 1
3496 Madison Avenue
264 Union Avenue 106
264 Union Avenue 106
136 Pembroke Road 106
23 Emily Lane
8 Boxwood Court
31 Norwood Avenue
36 Alden Street
142 Clark Street 35
88 Vine Street
51 Kent Street 2fl
151 Eldridge Street
109 Morningside Court
198 South Airline Road
171 Ardsley Road
54 Treeborough Drive