Amy Klebanoff Macey

Male, Age 61 New Haven , Connecticut

Amy Klebanoff Macey is a 61 years old male, born on Saturday, 31st of March 1962. He will turn 62 on March 31, 2024. Our records show he currently resides at 367 Orange Street 434, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449 and is affiliated with the No known party affiliation. Amy is registered to vote in Connecticut since March 11, 2020. Our records show Jonathan R Macey (68) as possible relative.

Overview of Amy Klebanoff Macey

Age: 61

Gender: male

Birth year: 1962

Lives in: New Haven

Phone number 203-397-9555

Amy Klebanoff Macey's Voting Profile

Registered to vote since: March 11, 2020

Party Affiliation: No known party affiliation

Status: A

Precinct: 02

District: 007

Polling place: Hall Of Records 02

Voter ID: 003479666

Congressional District: 003

House District: 096

Senate District: 011

Amy Klebanoff Macey Adress & Maps

Thomas Gerard Adams

Neighbors for Amy Klebanoff Macey

358 Orange Street 818, New Haven , Ct 06511-6419
No known party affiliation
358 Orange Street 714, New Haven , Ct 06511-6419
No known party affiliation
358 Orange Street 815, New Haven , Ct 06511-6401
No known party affiliation
358 Orange Street 707, New Haven , Ct 06511-6419
No known party affiliation
358 Orange Street 914, New Haven , Ct 06511-6419
No known party affiliation
358 Orange Street 422, New Haven , Ct 06511-6419
No known party affiliation
365 Orange Street 519, New Haven , Ct 06511-6404
No known party affiliation
367 Orange Street 366, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449
No known party affiliation
367 Orange Street A307, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449
No known party affiliation
367 Orange Street 416, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449
No known party affiliation
367 Orange Street 514, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449
No known party affiliation
367 Orange Street 521, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449
No known party affiliation
367 Orange Street 2307, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449
No known party affiliation
367 Orange Street, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449
No known party affiliation
367 Orange Street 606, New Haven , Ct 06511-6449
No known party affiliation

Related Persons

Amy Klebanoff Macey's parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other extended family members.

New Haven , Ct
Born on: Sunday, 8th of May 1955
Gender: Male


Salary: $48,620

Net Worth: $1,160,280

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.