101 Residents living at East Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut 06855
Page 1 of 1 - Showing properties 181 to 301
By Party Affiliation
Dividing by party there are 44 (43.56%) D, 41 (40.59%) U, 13 (12.87%) R and 3 (2.97%) It registered voters.
By Gender
Counting by gender at birth there are 55 (54.46%) Female and 46 (45.54%) Male people.
By Age Range
Looking at age there are 1 (0.99%) 18-20 years, 16 (15.84%) 20-30 years, 27 (26.73%) 30-40 years, 16 (15.84%) 40-50 years, 16 (15.84%) 50-60 years and 25 (24.75%) 60 years or older residents.
Properties 181 to 301 (Mcgurr to Mastri)
189 East Avenue
Judy R Goldkopf
189 East Avenue
194 East Avenue
Maria E Carmona
194 East Avenue 2
Kathryn E Keeley
194 East Avenue
194 East Avenue
William C Keeley
194 East Avenue
Pablo Canales
194 East Avenue 2
194 East Avenue 3
197 East Avenue
John W Rojas
197 East Avenue
200 East Avenue
Antonia Alice Singh
200 East Avenue 8
Michele M Pennacchio
200 East Avenue 7
200 East Avenue
Andrea Beth Walker
200 East Avenue 6
230 East Avenue
230 East Avenue B303
230 East Avenue B318
Kimberly Nicole Plue
230 East Avenue B212
Andrew James Clement
230 East Avenue B317
Alexandra H Heitz
230 East Avenue 202
Tarek A Shilleh
230 East Avenue 216
David Loglisci
230 East Avenue B319
Jane Lynn Pryor
230 East Avenue B304
Ian Robert Griffin
230 East Avenue B213
230 East Avenue B309
249 East Avenue
Ethan Brodie
249 East Avenue B
Mark Joseph Paradiso
249 East Avenue A
Allison E Murphy
249 East Avenue A
Sonya Sakato Kolba
249 East Avenue B
William A Cox Jr
249 East Avenue
256 East Avenue
256 East Avenue
Laura Xeio
256 East Avenue 2
Juan Duque
256 East Avenue
Carlos Mario Duque
256 East Avenue
262 East Avenue
Anatoli Ahthoforides
262 East Avenue
Shirmin Ahmed
262 East Avenue
262 East Avenue
Shirmin Ahmed
262 East Avenue 2
Omeed S Goushel
262 East Avenue 1
264 East Avenue
264 East Avenue
Jaishri Wright
264 East Avenue
264 East Avenue
Janiel K Wright
264 East Avenue
Constant J Wright
264 East Avenue
James F Parry
264 East Avenue
Doreen D Wright
264 East Avenue
265 East Avenue
Rita Lucia Orellana
265 East Avenue 4
Grace Harris
265 East Avenue 4
Maggie Augustave
265 East Avenue 1
Joan Fischer
265 East Avenue 2
265 East Avenue 2
266 East Avenue
Menelaos Dimoulas
266 East Avenue
Panayote Dimoulas
266 East Avenue
Sofia Dimoulas
266 East Avenue
James M Arbour
266 East Avenue
Dimoulas Panayote
266 East Avenue
268 East Avenue
Ronald H Ayres
268 East Avenue
Noel A Torres
268 East Avenue
April L Ayres
268 East Avenue
270 East Avenue
Robert N Ohaire
270 East Avenue
Matthew J Bellantoni
270 East Avenue 2nd Flr
272 East Avenue
272 East Avenue
277 East Avenue
June D Lagan
277 East Avenue
278 East Avenue
Ashley Leigh Slote
278 East Avenue 2
280 East Avenue
Eric Joseph
280 East Avenue 2
281 East Avenue
Jose T Ramos
281 East Avenue
284 East Avenue
284 East Avenue B
Rebecca Irene Donato
284 East Avenue A
284 East Avenue Fl 2
Laura Bliss Daum
284 East Avenue C
Brian Mccormack
284 East Avenue A
288 East Avenue
288 East Avenue 6
288 East Avenue 2
Michael J Numon
288 East Avenue 1
Paul Vincent Mallon
288 East Avenue Apt 3
Michael B Mclaughlin
288 East Avenue 5
288 East Avenue 3
288 East Avenue 2
Aubrey T Mccarthy
288 East Avenue 3
Robyn Michele Hidock
288 East Avenue 4
290 East Avenue
John K Winiger
290 East Avenue A2