95 Residents living at Sherwood Avenue, Greenwich , Connecticut 06831
Page 1 of 1 - Showing properties 10 to 84
By Party Affiliation
Dividing by party there are 35 (36.84%) U, 29 (30.53%) R, 28 (29.47%) D and 3 (3.16%) It registered voters.
By Gender
Counting by gender at birth there are 51 (53.68%) Female and 44 (46.32%) Male people.
By Age Range
Looking at age there are 18 (18.95%) 20-30 years, 9 (9.47%) 30-40 years, 10 (10.53%) 40-50 years, 20 (21.05%) 50-60 years and 38 (40.00%) 60 years or older residents.
Properties 10 to 84 (Mirabella to Szymaszek)
10 Sherwood Avenue
Holly Jaye Mirabella
10 Sherwood Avenue
11 Sherwood Avenue
11 Sherwood Avenue
Richard A Grossman
11 Sherwood Avenue
Rissa W Grossman
11 Sherwood Avenue
12 Sherwood Avenue
Danielle Nicole Neri
12 Sherwood Avenue
21 Sherwood Avenue
Randall V Ehrlich
21 Sherwood Avenue
24 Sherwood Avenue
Kevin D Arrington
24 Sherwood Avenue
Seth R Ruthen
24 Sherwood Avenue
Robert L Ford
24 Sherwood Avenue
24 Sherwood Avenue
25 Sherwood Avenue
Blanca Dolly Loaiza
25 Sherwood Avenue
26 Sherwood Avenue
Nancy A Minowitz
26 Sherwood Avenue
28 Sherwood Avenue
Brendan A Bozorgmir
28 Sherwood Avenue
Angela A Bozorgmir
28 Sherwood Avenue
28 Sherwood Avenue
3 Sherwood Avenue
Sabrina C Taylor
3 Sherwood Avenue
Jeanne T Hansford
3 Sherwood Avenue
3 Sherwood Avenue
30 Sherwood Avenue
Gloria A Marwell
30 Sherwood Avenue
Dennis Ryan Pearson
30 Sherwood Avenue
Elena A Gryadovkina
30 Sherwood Avenue
John S Marwell
30 Sherwood Avenue
33 Sherwood Avenue
Joseph A Oxendine
33 Sherwood Avenue
34 Sherwood Avenue
Louis Aronne
34 Sherwood Avenue
Jane M Aronne
34 Sherwood Avenue
Louis J Aronne
34 Sherwood Avenue
Allison Ann Aronne
34 Sherwood Avenue
42 Sherwood Avenue
42 Sherwood Avenue
Nicholas J Abbott
42 Sherwood Avenue
Mareta C Hamre
42 Sherwood Avenue
Mark B Abbott
42 Sherwood Avenue
56 Sherwood Avenue
Amy Lauren Metter
56 Sherwood Avenue
Rylie Alia Metter
56 Sherwood Avenue
Chase Molly Metter
56 Sherwood Avenue
Daniel M Metter
56 Sherwood Avenue
62 Sherwood Avenue
Alexis Keane Zargar
62 Sherwood Avenue
68 Sherwood Avenue
Nicole Rosa Pozzi
68 Sherwood Avenue
Gerard Pozzi
68 Sherwood Avenue
68 Sherwood Avenue
Marilyn B Pozzi
68 Sherwood Avenue
7 Sherwood Avenue
Patrick Brown
7 Sherwood Avenue 11
72 Sherwood Avenue
George J Green
72 Sherwood Avenue
72 Sherwood Avenue
William H Green
72 Sherwood Avenue
77 Sherwood Avenue
77 Sherwood Avenue 18
Lori Anne Paprin
77 Sherwood Avenue 17
Sandra R Herman
77 Sherwood Avenue 25
Leslie J Carlotti
77 Sherwood Avenue 22
77 Sherwood Avenue 28
Bran Shirley Berni
77 Sherwood Avenue 24
Linda D Hartig
77 Sherwood Avenue 4
77 Sherwood Avenue 11
Douglas Allen Brown
77 Sherwood Avenue 11
Brice A Janney
77 Sherwood Avenue 23
77 Sherwood Avenue 12
Nancy P Delfino
77 Sherwood Avenue 15
Daniel Young Min Han
77 Sherwood Avenue 9
Lisa Marie Ehrlich
77 Sherwood Avenue 21
Michelle Pisacano
77 Sherwood Avenue 3
Mark C Dean
77 Sherwood Avenue 8
Stuart M Berni
77 Sherwood Avenue 24
77 Sherwood Avenue 13
Julia Fick Brown
77 Sherwood Avenue 11
Maureen Mara Brown
77 Sherwood Avenue 11
77 Sherwood Avenue 23
77 Sherwood Avenue 5
Robert Finkelstein
77 Sherwood Avenue 5
Nancy Buonanno
77 Sherwood Avenue 27
Ellen Anne Flanagan
77 Sherwood Avenue 18
Yale I Paprin
77 Sherwood Avenue 17
Ana Dean
77 Sherwood Avenue 8
Shael Morgan Berni
77 Sherwood Avenue 24
David R Jarvis
77 Sherwood Avenue 28
Fadi Nabil Yanni
77 Sherwood Avenue 13
Anna Catherine Brown
77 Sherwood Avenue 11
Robert Giannetti
77 Sherwood Avenue 20
77 Sherwood Avenue 5
Sandra L Finkelstein
77 Sherwood Avenue 5
Nancy A Delfino
77 Sherwood Avenue 15
80 Sherwood Avenue
Mary D Ruprecht
80 Sherwood Avenue
Elizabeth B Ruprecht
80 Sherwood Avenue
William F Ruprecht
80 Sherwood Avenue
Andrew B. Ruprecht
80 Sherwood Avenue